Sunday, January 22, 2012

One little boy

Today's blur of Sunday activity was slowed down by one little boy. What is it about the boys that tug on my heart? I have an almost 17 year old and 10 year old boy (in addition to an awesome 21 year old daughter). I guess it's just the familiarity of being around them. This one today was praising God as loud as he could with no thought to anyone or anything around him but the words and the music. His worship filled me up just listening, and I happen to think he's very special. I've never met anyone like him. After a tragic fall from a two story window, Eli survived and has become an amazing kid who I am blessed to spend time with some Sundays at my church. If you haven't heard his story, you can read more about it here.

Thanks Eli for being a blessing to me and sharing your joy so effortlessly!
I hope I can be more like you someday.

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